Sunday 12 May 2013

The Nature of Jesus: Humility Phil. 2:5-8

Jesus set an example that we are to follow if we are going to strive to be like Him, by His servitude. He served God, even to the point of death on the cross. Jesus was brought to earth, by God, to be the ultimate and final sacrifice for the sins of mankind. In the process of Jesus' life on earth, He showed mankind how to live a life that is pleasing to God. He was perfect and pure, committing no sin and doing no wrong in the eyes of God, therefore setting the template for us on how to live the Christian life. Even though we are not perfect, God expects us to strive for perfection. This allows God to be pleased with us , just as He was pleased with His Son Jesus. It is through the process of trying to achieve perfection; the right and wrong choices, the circumstances of life and how we handle them that we learn valuable life lessons. It was these life lessons that Jesus taught everyone in His time on earth. God gives those who believe in Jesus and becomes a Christian, The Holy Spirit to guide them and to be a conscience to the soul.

Through the Scriptures, Jesus laid out the blueprint on how to live life in a way that pleases God. We will never achieve the level of success that Jesus had, because we are not God, but God is pleased with us when we do try to live a life of truth and exhibit morals that are holy and pure. We can choose not to lie, cheat, steal, murder, dishonor people, and dishonor God, just as Jesus didn't do these things. Using this blueprint, we can live as Jesus did and let people see Jesus living through us today. Jesus is timeless. He is truth, and truth never goes out of style.

When Jesus lived among men on earth, He was even tempered and not easily provoked to anger. He was meek. He reduced himself when He lived on earth and took on the role of a bond servant. This was unique, because a bond servant is someone who is bound to servitude. Jesus, was not bound or forced to do this, He gave up His life voluntarily to give mankind a chance at salvation. If He had decided for some reason that He did not want to go through with His death on the cross, all of mankind would be going to hell when they die. With all of His powers, Jesus had plenty of opportunities to get out of His situation, but He refused to use them and instead chose to do the will of God. It was love that held Jesus to that cross, not the nails.

Jesus was not concerned if He was equal with God in stature. He did not have an ego. Jesus denied Himself of privileges afforded Him, and did the will of God. We as Christians should do the same, refusing the privileges that the world offers, instead, depending on God to guide our lives.

A person cannot have a servant heart and be full of pride. You or I can't do the will of God, and He can't be pleased if we are proud of our possessions, and not wanting to part with any of them. We must demonstrate the humble spirit that Jesus exhibited. This is a character trait that God can be pleased with. For some people, humility comes naturally, as it did for Jesus. For others, it doesn't. it has been my observation that people who are naturally humble, they are more often blessed in life, at peace, and content with whatever life throws at them. On the other hand, those who struggle with humility being part of their nature, or somewhere along the way pride has overtaken their humble heart, these people are less often blessed. They are always searching for and wanting more out of life. (Matt. 19:24, Mark 10:25).

People should always strive for a humble attitude, because if we have pride in our heart, God will humble us, and usually it is going to be painful when He does. I wish I wouldn't have learned a lot of things the hard way throughout my life, but those painful lessons made me a wiser person today. If the up and coming generations such as 11-30 year olds would just heed a sliver of their elders warnings, the morals of this nation would start to change. Pray for the youth to listen and pray for those who are in positions of power to not let it go to their heads. Thank Jesus for showing us how to live out this valuable character trait that was just one of the many that He lived out and tried to teach others.
Happy Sunday

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